DASI: Descriptive Audio for the Sight Impaired
of Western North Carolina
DASI has described at many theaters and venues in WNC. We are portable, so we can take our equipment and provide AD at any theater that requests our services. We have a standing agreement with Asheville Community Theater (ACT) to describe the second weekend of Mainstage performances. ACT generously offers a complimentary ticket to the driver for a visually impaired person attending a DASI described performance. If there is an event not listed below that you would like to have described, contact the theater and ask them to provide AD through DASI. If you would like a ride to a described event, please contact Leslie Stephens at 828-628-3549.
The following productions at Asheville Community Theater will be described:
Friday and Saturday shows start at 7:30 while Sunday matinee performances begin at 2:30. Tickets can be purchased through the ACT box office at 828-254-1320. Remember that ACT will provide a complimentary ticket to the driver of anyone using DASI!
Other described performances will be listed here once they are confirmed with the theater.
DASI has been used for a variety of events and in a variety of locations around WNC.